Our main goal is to close the collective accomodations, because the living condition there is not good for the people. Sharing small rooms, kitchen and bathroom with many people is very stressful and enables the people to get on their own feed. When living in a collective accomodation it is many times not possible to get a permission to leave the accomodation to a private housing. Everytime an asylum seeker gets a job offer, he or she has to go to the foreign office to get a permission for that job. Many times the procedure takes so long, that the job offer is gone and the asylum seeker continous without job, even though the process of getting asylum takes many many years. Such a frustrating situation.

To ease the situation of the asylum seekers we try to offer different kinds of projects like self-organized inetrnetcafés, computer classes, german classes, homework help, empowerment workshops, info evenings etc.